
I am Olabiyi.

A Bioinformatician

mountain cloud
Biyi's picture


I am a Bioinformatician and a computer programmer. I am currently a Data Analyst at Bayer AG, USA. At Bayer, I am actively leading and providing technical contributions on multiple microbial genomics and metagenomics projects by analyzing data provided by third party stakeholders.

My Skills.

Computer programming

My passion for computer programming started after taking an introductory computer programming course with MATLAB many years ago. After which I picked up 7 other programming languages including R, Python, and Bash.

Bioinformatics and Data science

I ❤ data and ❤ to derive insights from them using both simple and complex statistics, and machine learning methods especially in the field of Bioinformatics. I create complex pipelines using workflow management tools such as Snakemake and Nextflow. I am particularly passionate about helping researchers and companies around the world solve complex biological and environmental problems by utilizing my computational skills and many years of experience in the fields of Bioinformatics, Microbiology and Agriculture.

Get In Touch

Interested in knowing more about me?

Please feel free to contact me by email or through any of my soicial media links provided below.

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© 2023 Olabiyi Obayomi@TAMU.